IKEA and Neste launch commercial scale bioplastic production

Posted by aclimaadmin | 12/06/2018 | Sector News, Uncategorized EN

In the Netherlands, IKEA and Finland-based Neste are working together to tackle the production of plastic products by working on a commercial scale pilot production of renewable, bio-based polypropylene plastic.

The pilot at commercial scale of PP and PE plastic, chosen to contain 20 percent renewable content, will start during fall 2018. The production of bio-based plastics will be based on Neste’s 100 percent renewable hydrocarbons. IKEA will use the new plastic in products that are part of the current product range, such as plastic storage boxes, starting with a limited number of products. As capacities improve, more products will follow.

The plastic partnership between IKEA and Neste began in 2016 as a way to find plastic alternatives with sustainable vegetable oils, wastes and residues, and used cooking oil for the biobased plastics. IKEA plans on changing all of the traditional plastic used in IKEA products to plastic made from recycled and/or renewable materials by 2030.

Fuente: BiofuelsDigest

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