Understanding aluminium scrap qualities can contribute to circular economy goals (Austria)

Posted by aclimaadmin | 20/07/2018 | Noticias del Sector

The potential of recycling aluminium scrap in Austria has been modelled in a new study. A surplus of mixed aluminium scrap is expected by 2045 if no advanced sorting technologies are applied. Increased demand for wrought aluminium alloys could mean this surplus occurs sooner. New methods to intensively sort aluminium could prevent this excess and contribute towards REACH1 recycling and climate targets.

Mining of primary metals can have serious impacts on the environment. Reusing secondary raw materials (especially metals) is, therefore, a priority in Europe. Metals are an important material for various industries and, in many cases, can be readily recycled; their comprehensive recycling and reintroduction into new lifecycles means they are essential aspects of resource efficiency and will help the EU in its efforts to move towards a circular economy.

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